August 23 - Syllabus Review (Day 2)

 Hello Again,

I am glad to have the time to review the syllabus with you all. This is a vital step of success for anyone taking any class. We need to get through 3-4 pages a day to be ready for our visit from Professor Maready on Friday.

If you still can't access your email, below is an example of how to login:

Instructions: For high school they will add a h after the year they graduate ex: Bella Allen is a 9th grader her login is (her id is 143535) her password is rsa143535

Thanks for making our class awesome!
- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Chromebook, Blog, and Remind Access
Continue Review: Course Syllabus

Homework: Have completed Pre-Enrollment Forms for Advisory Period tomorrow, Get your RSA Email on  your phone