August 31 - Lectures and Notetaking

Hey Again,

Happy Hump Day! Today we will be getting back into Canvas and engaging with the course. Before we do that, we will cover a few key items like must have materials and note-taking.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Textbook Policy
Discuss: Necessary Materials for Class
Watch: CH 2 Lecture
     Notetaking review - USE THIS LINK
Assign: Work on Week 1 Tasks

Homework: Finish both Week 1 Tasks for Points (save reading and lecture for future days)

August 30 - Textbooks and Continue Week 1 Work

Hey Everyone,

Now that most of you have Canvas access, I will be reducing my posts (and powerpoints) to one per week. You will mostly get into the habit of checking Canvas, but can check this page when necessary.

Today, I hope that most of us can finish the two assignments for points for this week. They are super easy!

Agenda (PPT)

Watch: Welcome Video
Assign: Work on Week 1 Tasks

Homework: Finish both Week 1 Tasks for Points (save reading and lecture for future days)

August 29 - First Day of Class (Intro to Canvas)

Hey Everyone,

Excited that we are getting started today. I really hope we all have access to our accounts and that our Chromebooks don't fail us.

I will be distributing our textbooks on Tuesday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Shasta College Status
Review: Canvas Page
Watch: Welcome Video
Assign: Work on Week 1 Tasks

Homework: None

August 26 - Special Guest: Professor Aaron Maready

 Hey Folks,

Happy Friday! Today, we will be hosting our Shasta College professor, Mr. Maready. Let's be super awesome, attentive, and respectful. 

Use this time wisely and ask good questions!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Shasta College Application
Set Expectations: Meet and Greet with Professor Maready
Review: Course and Syllabus Questions

Homework: None

August 25 - Complete Yesterday's Lesson!

Yesterday's Lesson...

Hello Again,

I am excited to get back at it today. Today we will take a deeper, whole class dive, of the first 4 pages of the syllabus. 

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Shasta College Application
Quick Activity: History Classes…
Continue Review: Course Syllabus

Homework: Complete Shasta College Application

Why Study History

August 24 - Syllabus Review (Day 3)

Hello Again,

I am excited to get back at it today. Today we will take a deeper, whole class dive, of the first 4 pages of the syllabus. 

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Shasta College Application
Quick Activity: History Classes…
Continue Review: Course Syllabus

Homework: Complete Shasta College Application

Why Study History

August 23 - Syllabus Review (Day 2)

 Hello Again,

I am glad to have the time to review the syllabus with you all. This is a vital step of success for anyone taking any class. We need to get through 3-4 pages a day to be ready for our visit from Professor Maready on Friday.

If you still can't access your email, below is an example of how to login:

Instructions: For high school they will add a h after the year they graduate ex: Bella Allen is a 9th grader her login is (her id is 143535) her password is rsa143535

Thanks for making our class awesome!
- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Chromebook, Blog, and Remind Access
Continue Review: Course Syllabus

Homework: Have completed Pre-Enrollment Forms for Advisory Period tomorrow, Get your RSA Email on  your phone

August 22 - Syllabus Review (Day 1)

 Hey Everyone,

Hope you had a restful weekend. This week we need to accomplish three main things:

  1. Apply for Shasta College
  2. Enroll in the History 2 course through Shasta College
  3. Review the Syllabus
If we do those three things, this week is considered a win! This Friday, your professor from Shasta, Aaron Maready, will be joining us. I hope to have fully reviewed the syllabus with you before his arrival.

Click HERE to apply to Shasta College

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Check In: Remind and the Blog
Access: Chromebooks
Start Review: Course Syllabus
Pass Out: Shasta Info Sheets

Homework: None!

August 19 - Review: Key Information

Hey Folks,

So we didn't get through everything yesterday, so we will use today to catch up. Today we need to start unpacking some of the key pieces of our course in regards to communication. If you don't have your Chromebooks yet, you can use your cell phones.

Also, I will have some donuts to celebrate the completion of our first week. 

It was a great first week but TGIF!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Eat: Grab a Donut!
Finish: Building Culture
Review: Key Information

Homework: None!

August 18 - Get to Know Each Other, General Expectations, Class Nuts and Bolts...

Hey Everyone,

Even though I know that the existence of this blog is foreign to you, I type out this post nonetheless. Today we will be continuing to get comfortable with other people (and talking), creating some shared course expectations, and finally going over some information that you need to know (like this blog).

I hope day one went well and that day two and three will be even better!

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT):

Check In: Day One ReviewActivity
Activity: Get to Know Each Other
Activity: Building Culture
Review: Some Key Information

Homework: Chromebook Policy Signatures

August 17 - Welcome to RSA High School

Greetings Everyone,

My name is Mr. Thiemann and I am your teacher/facilitator for the History 2 course offered through Shasta College. This course will be amazing and I am grateful for the opportunity to support you every step of the way.

In these first days, I would like for us to get to know each other as people and as a class. This is a small sophomore group and I am sure that you will know each other well by the end of the school year.

See you soon,

Mr. Thiemann


Intro: Who is Mr. Thiemann
Activity: Why RSA?

Homework: None