Jan 30 to Feb 3 - Shasta College Week 3

Hey All,

This week we just need to keep grinding. Get work done on time, focus when you can, and ensure that missing assignments are kept to a minimum.

Hope you all had a restful weekend,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Welcome Video
Discuss: Religion and Critical Thought
Library Tour
Weekly Tasks: 
     CH 18 Inquizitive
     Discussion Post: To be determined

Homework: Finish work for the week!

January 23 to January 27 - Week 2 CH 17


We made it through week one. Everyone is in the class and most of the assignments are being turned in. Thanks for a great start.

This week you will engage in CH 17 and we will discuss the concept of the Columbian Exchange. Make sure to turn everything in on time.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Columbian Exchange
Weekly Tasks: 
     CH 17 Inquizitive
     Discussion Post: Columbus and his impact

Homework: Finish work for the week!

Columbian Exchange

January 17 to January 20 - Shasta College Week 1

Hey Everyone,

Hope you had a restful long weekend. I am excited to get this course going. There are a lot of assignments in this first week that should only raise your grade. Additionally I am going to lead you all in a discussion that will outline the textbook and what we will be covering.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Course Registration and Textbook Access
Discuss: Flow of Modern World History
Weekly Tasks:
     InQuizitive EC
     Why Study History

Homework: Finish work for the week!

Modern World History from a Demographer 

January 10 to January 13 - Intro to History 3

Welcome Back Everyone,

It is great to be back. This semester we have the same textbook, same professor, and the content is the continuation of World History from 1500 to present.

The Shasta College Courses start next week, so this week we will make sure that we are ready to go for class and maybe even get a little ahead.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Welcome: New Year and New Curriculum
Register: For History 3
Review: Syllabus for the Course
Access: Online Textbook
Review: Canvas Operations

Homework: Make sure you are fully registered and have access to the textbook by the end of the week

Nations of the World Video